A Little About Me

Momma to four tiny humans, wife to the hottest nerd I've ever met, and light chaser/moment catcher (ya know, the chick behind the camera).

A little low down on me: I'm a total sucker for a love story. I love all genres of music and if you ever ride in my car, be prepared for a ride through the decades. I'm somewhat of a klutz and usually the last person in the room to understand a joke, but that just means we will certainly share some laughs together!

I'm from a one stop light town in northern Indiana where a night out consisted of a bonfire, country drive, & occasionally we would all congregate in a Walmart parking lot. Whatever adventures we got ourselves into, I always had a disposable camera in hand. It wasn't until after having my first child, that I finally learned that you truly can turn your passion into a career. Ever since, the pieces just fell into place and I knew 100% this is what I am supposed to be doing.

I'm from a one stop light town in northern Indiana where a night out consisted of a bonfire, country drive, & occasionally we would all congregate in a Walmart parking lot. Whatever adventures we got ourselves into, I always had a disposable camera in hand. It wasn't until after having my first child, that I finally learned that you truly can turn your passion into a career. Ever since, the pieces just fell into place and I knew 100% this is what I am supposed to be doing.

My Style

My Style

REAL. RAW. Pauses in time. Real laughs between poses, the in between shots you don't realize I capture. DETAILS. The things you don't think about until you reflect back years later, like the tiny toes of your baby or the details from the day you marry your best friend. The little things are the big things. I truly believe in having a connection with my clients. I want to be friends, see the real you, hear your story, and tell it. If we're not laughing, crying, or getting real we're doing something wrong.

Photo Credit: Courtney Gossiaux Photography